2,943 research outputs found

    Wild cards: surveying extreme change

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    A intensificação da complexidade socioeconómica, amplificada pela globalização, limita a previsibilidade das acções dos agentes económicos, aumentando a incerteza quanto ao futuro. Ao longo dos anos destaca-se a contribuição da análise prospectiva para um processo sistemático de antecipação do que o futuro pode reservar. O exame das forças que impelem a evolução da economia, da tecnologia e de outras dimensões da sociedade permitido pela prospectiva, bem como a construção de uma melhor percepção quanto a oportunidades e ameaças na área da política pública e da gestão empresarial, garantem a esta disciplina uma notoriedade num contexto actual marcado por volatilidade, ambiguidade e incerteza. No seio desta temática mantém-se ainda em desenvolvimento a categoria de mudança extrema e súbita. Os conceitos que visam abordar eventos de baixa probabilidade e alto impacto, de natureza “disruptiva” e com o potencial de redefinir as “regras do jogo”, são ainda recentes e passíveis de aprofundamento. Por exemplo, noções como “wild cards” carecem ainda de definição precisa e perímetro consensual. O presente estudo debruça-se sobre este objecto de estudo, os eventos-ruptura habitualmente descritos como “wild cards”. A abordagem é de “segunda ordem”, isto é, esta dissertação visa o estudo da teorização do conceito de “wild card”. Para esse fim, foi escolhida uma metodologia integrada combinando elementos quantitativos (através de uma análise bibliométrica) e qualitativos (com levantamento de opinião de especialistas inquéritos a especialistas nacionais e internacionais). Na base deste trabalho de revisão de literatura e de contacto com analistas esta dissertação procura construir uma síntese crítica e criativa do estado da arte e especificar um conjunto de características relevantes para a consideração e adaptação face a “wild cards”.Socio-economic complexity, quickened by technical change, amplified by globalisation, limits the prediction powers of agents’ actions and increases the need to deal with uncertainty about the future. For many years foresight has been positioned has having a central relevance in the present context of turmoil and insecurity, especially when disruptions and trend-breaking events are of the essence. Within the subject-area of foresight, however, the concept of extreme sudden change remains still quite unclear. Wild cards, or “high impact”/“low-probability” events, with the potential to redefine the “rules of the game” are a concept worth revisiting given its novelty in the literature and analytical importance in contemporary volatile environments. This thesis focuses on the role and evolution of the concept of wild card in foresight literature. Our main objective is to provide an account of the state of the art of wild card research. To this end, the methodological approach deployed uses both quantitative data (bibliometric analysis of research papers) and qualitative information (constructivist method based on interviews with experts) as a way of achieving robust insight on what wild cards are as a concept and how they are evolving in the real world. This two-pronged approach allowed for the validation of the findings of the systematic survey of the literature through the lens of the international researchers and practitioners that we were able to enquire. This methodology is unlike any other we have been able to detect in the extant literature, and may confer this effort a degree of novelty. As far as substantive contributions are concerned, this thesis sought to better distil a definition of the concept of wild card within a foresight’s framework, study its interrelations with other phenomena of change, and also look into the anticipation and adaptation possibilities when dealing with wild cards

    A segmentação do Mercado de trabalho em Lisboa: uma perspetiva geracional através de trajetórias de integração profissional, de 1986 a 2016

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    JEL: J620 e J420 (American Economic Association).A flexibilidade é uma realidade que faz parte do novo paradigma do mercado de trabalho e que tem vindo a atrair a atenção de instituições nacionais e internacionais, bem como da sociedade civil. O mercado de trabalho é encarado como segmentado, quer em termos da gestão dos recursos humanos, quer em termos de legislação do trabalho, sendo os jovens os mais afetados. Este trabalho contribui para este debate oferecendo evidência empírica sobre os três primeiros anos da trajetória profissional de duas gerações de trabalhadores, os que entraram no mercado de trabalho entre 1986-1995 (Período Europa) e, a mais recente, 2006-2013 (Período Crise), apresentando, assim, uma análise geracional da segmentação, algo, ainda, pouco explorado em Portugal. O estudo é de natureza qualitativa longitudinal, baseado numa amostra de 17 entrevistas realizadas a trabalhadores da Grande Lisboa e efetuadas por conveniência e tipo bola-de-neve. Os resultados apontam para modelos de integração díspares que se caracterizam pelos protótipos de continuidade (Europa) e descontinuidade (Crise). A análise intrageracional permitiu identificar um triplo perfil de integração na geração Europa, “Um empregador”, “biografias de escolha” e Continuação, enquanto na geração Crise, identificaram-se cinco perfis de integração, Precário, Regular, Adaptação, Integração e Continuação. Os resultados indicam, ainda, uma sobreposição de características entre as duas gerações, nomeadamente, com os trabalhadores do Período Europa a serem sujeitos a alguma flexibilidade laboral no início da sua trajetória. Verifica-se, também, que a descontinuidade associada à geração Crise tende a fortalecer o fenómeno da “família-providência”.The flexibility is becoming part of a new reality of the labour market and it has caught the attention of the national and international organizations, as for the civil society as well. The labour market is seen as segmented, both in terms of human resources management and work legislation, being the youth the most affected by this segmentation. This study contributes to the debate on this subject presenting empirical evidence on the first three years of the professional trajectory of two generations of workers in the Great Lisbon, the ones that entered the labour market between 1986-1995 (Europe Period) and the ones between 2006-2013 (Crisis Period) presenting a generational analysis of the segmentation, somehow less explored in Portugal. This is a longitudinal study of qualitative nature, based on a sample of 17 interviews taken by accidental sampling and snow-ball effect. The results point out two models of integration characterized by two prototypes, continuity (Europe) and discontinuity (Crisis). The intragenerational comparison allowed us to identify a triple model of integration within the Europe generation, “One employee”, “Choice biographies” and Continuous, and five models of integration within the Crisis generation, Precarious, Regular, Adaptation, Integration and Continuous. The results, also, show an overlap of characteristics between the two generations, namely, the Europe generation subjugated to some flexibility in the labour market in the early days. Also, the discontinuity related to the Crisis generation strengthens the phenomenon known as the “welfare-family”

    Exploring the motivations and expectations in the amateur football referee

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    The purpose of this study was to understand the differences between male and female motivations and experiences of being football referee. A semi-structure qualitative interview was made to eighth football referees (4 male and 4 female) with ages between 19 and 27 years (23.4±3.10). The participants were refereeing regional and national Portuguese football matches. In the content analysis emerged two components (Experiences and Motivations) and for each component six and four categories respectively. Results demonstrated that female referees are perceived as capable of the same achievement than men. In the first stages of refereeing career, female and male presents similar motivations regarding the development of different capabilities (focus; decision-making; leading with pressure; conflict management) and the most important relevant being passion for the game. However, the sexism is still felt by women which have to lead with more stereotypes and phycological abuse of a men dominant sports. Consequently the feeling that have to work harder than men to achieve their goals.9E1A-F9DD-3EB8 | Filipe Manuel ClementeN/

    DNA methyltransferase expression (DNMT1, DNMT3a and DNMT3b) as a potential biomarker for anti-VEGF diabetic macular edema response

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    Funding Information: This project was partially supported by an IDI&CA grant IPL/2021/DiffMeDiME_ESTeSL by H&TRC- Health & Technology Research Center, ESTeSL- Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa and by Retina Institute of Lisbon (IRL).Purpose: DNA methylation is involved in Diabetic Retinopathy progression showing a metabolic memory mechanism. However, the association of DNA methyltransferase with diabetic macular edema is still unknown. We aimed to describe the differences in DNA methyltransferase gene expression in patients with different diabetic macular edema responses. Methods: A total of 27 diabetic patients, aged 59–90 years, were prospectively enrolled in this cross-sectional study. The participants were classified into control group (CG, n = 11), diabetic macular edema responders (rDME, n = 9) and non-responder diabetic macular edema (nrDME, n = 7) after anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) treatment. Only cases with a complete ophthalmological examination, digital 133° color fundus, and SD-OCT assessments were used. After RNA extraction and first-strand cDNA synthesis, quantitative real-time PCR was performed with specific primers on the CFX Connect™ Real-Time PCR Detection System to assess differential transcriptional expression patterns. Results: The DNMT1 gene showed a positive correlation (r = 0.617; p = 0.043) with Best Corrected Visual Acuity (BCVA) in CG, a positive correlation (r = 0.917; p = 0.010) with HbA1c in nrDME and a negative correlation (r = −0.659; p = 0.049) with GCL-IPL thickness in rDME. DNMT3A gene showed a positive correlation (r = −0.890; p = 0.001) with Sub-foveal Choroidal thickness in rDME whereas DNMT3b gene showed a negative correlation (r = −0.815; p = 0.007) with HbA1c and RNFL (r = −0.664; p = 0.026) in CG. Conclusions: Patients with similar metabolic profile risk factors showed associated DNA methyltransferase transcriptional expression patterns differences fitting with the anti-VEGF diabetic macular edema response. Further studies are needed to clarify if these results (1) reflect disease evolution, (2) translate the therapeutic impact, (3) or can help to predict the therapeutic resistance profile.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin

    Role of DNA methylation in persistent diabetic macular edema

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    Projeto ID&CA 2021_IPL/2021/DiffMeDiME_ESTeSLBackground: a) Disease duration and metabolic control are insufficient to understand Diabetic Macular Edema (DME), the leading cause of vision loss in people with diabetes; b) 30-40% of cases of DME do not respond optimally to AVEGF (loading phase); c) poor genetic association in DR development (<25% RD) and PDR progression (25-50%). Purpose: To study the role of DNA methyltransferase expression (DNMT1,DNMT3a, DNMT3b) in persistent diabetic macular edema.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A importância da recolha de dados na avaliação de Serviços de Documentação e Informação: a aplicabilidade do SharePoint nos SDI da FEUP

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    O presente trabalho começa por apresentar no capítulo dois um problema orgânico-funcional dos SDI, que nos propomos analisar e que radica na falta de práticas sistemáticas de avaliação da qualidade, eficácia e eficiência dos serviços disponibilizados, através da recolha e análise de dados como suporte ao processo de tomada de decisão, numa perspectiva de mudança e melhoria contínua que deve orientar o desenvolvimento dos serviços.Constituindo, hoje em dia, a cultura de avaliação uma prática que deverá estar presente na gestão operacional e estratégica das organizações, no terceiro capítulo é explorado o conceito da avaliação dos serviços de documentação e informação a nível da sua importância, objectivos, tipos de avaliação, dificuldades inerentes ao processo de avaliação, apontando-se alguns instrumentos e métodos que podem ser utilizados na avaliação desses serviços.Seguidamente, no capítulo quatro é desenvolvido um dos temas centrais do trabalho, que diz respeito aos métodos de recolha e de análise de dados, que constituem um aspecto fundamental para avaliação dos serviços. São apresentadas as principais categorias de métodos quantitativos e qualitativos, bem como os principais métodos de análise que lhe estão associados, sendo para cada método, apresentadas as suas vantagens e desvantagens. Este capítulo procura evidenciar os limites e a complementaridade dos métodos apresentados, salientando a noção de que o dispositivo metodológico deverá ser escolhido em função do problema e da investigação que se pretende levar a cabo e das respostas que se pretendem obter.Partindo da possibilidade de recorrer a um sistema informático para recolha de dados, no capítulo cinco é efectuado um levantamento de requisitos que um sistema desse tipo deve ter, do ponto de vista da sua utilização, análise e gestão. Seguidamente, e com base no SharePoint - módulo de inquéritos, é feita uma verificação dos requisitos que são ou não satisfeitos por essa aplicação, propondo-se depois a implementação de melhorias face a insuficiências detectadas. Este capítulo finaliza com a apresentação de uma análise comparativa entre os sistemas SharePoint e SurveyMonkey, tendo-se revelado este último, um sistema mais apto à recolha de dados para posterior tratamento e análise.Finalmente é feita uma análise conclusiva em que são apresentadas as principais ideias chave dos tópicos desenvolvidos ao longo do trabalho. São também tecidas algumas considerações sobre os resultados obtidos quanto à possibilidade de adoptar o módulo de inquéritos do SharePoint, como ferramenta de suporte à recolha de dados através da aplicação de inquéritos por questionário

    Geothermal resources research in a granitic basement - the Braga area case study (NW Portugal)

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    Geothermal resources are increasingly being considered as a strategic alternative in energy production, especially with the latest geopolitical developments. The densely populated Braga region, in NW Portugal, is endowed with a geostructural setting that enables the existence of several thermal water occurrences, spatially associated with a deep-rooted structure – the Vigo-Régua shear zone, set in a granite context. Given the latest advances in geothermal energy production, it is possible to predict a mid- to long-term implementation of geothermal energy production in the vicinity of that deep rooted structure. Although strongly encouraging, the exploratory geophysical, geochemical and geological data are still insufficient to deliver a definitive frame of the potential energy associated with the estimated reservoirs. Ongoing work combining gravimetric, radiometric and geochemical data will provide a better understanding of the deeply concealed structures.Les ressources géothermiques sont de plus en plus considérées comme une alternative stratégique dans la production d'énergie, en particulier compte tenu du contexte géopolitique récent. La région densément peuplée de Braga, au nord-ouest du Portugal, est située dans un contexte granitique spatialement associé à une structure enracinée - la zone de cisaillement Vigo-Régua. Ce contexte géologique et structural a permis le développement de plusieurs occurrences d'eau thermale. Compte tenu des dernières avancées en matière de production d'énergie géothermique, il est possible de prévoir une mise en œuvre à moyen et long terme de la production d'énergie géothermique à proximité de cette structure profonde. Bien que fortement encourageantes, les données géophysiques, géochimiques et géologiques exploratoires sont encore insuffisantes pour fournir un cadre définitif de l'énergie potentielle associée aux réservoirs estimés. Des travaux en cours combinant des données gravimétriques, radiométriques et géochimiques permettront de mieux comprendre les structures profondément enfouies.Los recursos geotérmicos se consideran cada vez más como una alternativa estratégica en la producción de energía, especialmente con los últimos desarrollos geopolíticos. La región densamente poblada de Braga, en el noroeste de Portugal, está dotada de un entorno estructural que permite la presencia de aguas termales, asociadas espacialmente con una estructura profunda en un contexto granítico: la zona de falla Vigo-Régua. Dados los últimos avances en la producción de energía geotérmica, es posible predecir una implementación a mediano y largo plazo de la producción de energía geotérmica en las cercanías de esa estructura de raíces profundas. Aún cuando los datos geofísicos, geoquímicos y geológicos exploratorios son muy alentadores, son insuficientes para brindar un marco definitivo del potencial geotérmico asociada con los yacimientos. El trabajo en curso que integra datos gravimétricos, radiométricos y geoquímicos proporcionará una mejor comprensión de las estructuras profundas por explorar

    Skeletal muscle–adipose tissue–tumor axis : molecular mechanisms linking exercise training in prostate cancer

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    © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Increased visceral adiposity may influence the development of prostate cancer (PCa) aggressive tumors and cancer mortality. White adipose tissue (WAT), usually referred to as periprostatic adipose tissue (PPAT), surrounds the prostatic gland and has emerged as a potential mediator of the tumor microenvironment. Exercise training (ET) induces several adaptations in both skeletal muscle and WAT. Some of these effects are mediated by ET-induced synthesis and secretion of several proteins, known as myo- and adipokines. Together, myokines and adipokines may act in an endocrine-like manner to favor communication between skeletal muscle and WAT, as they may work together to improve whole-body metabolic health. This crosstalk may constitute a potential mechanism by which ET exerts its beneficial role in the prevention and treatment of PCa-related disorders; however, this has not yet been explored. Therefore, we reviewed the current evidence on the effects of skeletal muscle–WAT–tumor crosstalk in PCa, and the potential mediators of this process to provide a better understanding of underlying ET-related mechanisms in cancer.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A versatile nanocarrierCubosomes, characterization, and applications

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    The impact of nanotechnology on the exponential growth of several research areas, particularly nanomedicine, is undeniable. The ability to deliver active molecules to the desired site could significantly improve the efficiency of medical treatments. One of the nanocarriers developed which has drawn researchers’ attention are cubosomes, which are nanosized dispersions of lipid bicontinuous cubic phases in water, consisting of a lipidic interior and aqueous domains folded in a cubic lattice. They stand out due to their ability to incorporate hydrophobic, hydrophilic, and amphiphilic compounds, their tortuous internal configuration that provides a sustained release, and the capacity to protect and safely deliver molecules. Several approaches can be taken to prepare this structure, as well as different lipids like monoolein or phytantriol. This review paper describes the different methods to prepare nanocarriers. As it is known, the physicochemical properties of nanocarriers are very important, as they influence their pharmacokinetics and their ability to incorporate and deliver active molecules. Therefore, an extensive characterization is essential to obtain the desired effect. As a result, we have extensively described the most common techniques to characterize cubosomes, particularly nanocarriers. The exceptional properties of the cubosomes make them suitable to be used in several applications in the biomedical field, from cancer therapeutics to imaging, which will be described. Taking in consideration the outstanding properties of cubosomes, their application in several research fields is envisaged.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit, by Marie Skłodowska Curie grant (MSCA-RISE; FODIAC; 778388) and by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Competitiveness factors Operational program—Norte 2020, COMPETE and National Funds through the FCT—under the project AgriFood XXI (NORTE- 01-0145-FEDER-000041). J.L.P. acknowledge the Instituto de Salud Carlos III for a “Sara Borrell” grant (CD19/00250), cofounded by European Social Fund (“El FSE invierte en futuro”). C.J.O.F. acknowledge the FCT for the grant SFRH/149/BD/14199/2019.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio